Monday, October 16, 2006

New bullet record

well, as could be expected with the strong Rybka engine,
now i've also achieved a new 'bullet' (lightning/speedchess)
rating on the Internet Chess Club with the Bookbuilder account.

And upgraded my computer again, now running
with the multiprocessor version of Rybka 2.1
with a AMD X2 dual core (4200+ type).

New goal: increasing the standard rating again..
And new idea: uploading my largest Bookbuilder database
(more then 13 million positions) via the Internet
to a site like; only for registered
Bookbuilder users though; as the support otherwise will
take me too much time of course.

For those interested in downloading Bookbuilder:
Get it from CNET!

14 days trial
And don't forget to have fun with your chess

Update on Amazon

 now (the new edition of) my book (as on Lulu) also is available on Amazon again: Better Chess Openings (paperback) as found with latest Nnu...