Friday, August 21, 2015

small update (for the chess book)

a few corrections;

Having looked at some transpositions in some more detail, i
will re-arrange some chapters in mybook in the positional
repertoire; after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c6!? 3. Bf4,  Black may still
have some problems after all, although i had analyzed such stuff.
So after 1.d4 Black can probably better play d5! going for the Slav
(2. c4 c6! but then Black can also throw in a dubious  Albin gambit
2...e5 no big deal. And 2.Nf3 still is possible, but then after 2...Nf6
3.c4 c6! Black is going for the solid Slav defense again

Secondly there's another possible improvement, in the Moscow
line, After Bxf6 Qxf6  instead of the neutral 8.e3 because
of the strong defense systems with ...g6!, White might  better
go for the Hastings variation with 7,Qb3!?, although
also then Black can equalize, for example:

1. d4 d5  2. Nf3   Nf6  3. c4  c6  4. Nc3 e6  5. Bg5  h6  6. Bxf6  Qxf6  7. Qb3  a5   8. e3  a4!  9. Qc2   a3  10. b3  Bb4  11. Bd3  Nd7  12. O-O   O-O  13. Rac1  Qe7  14. Ne2   Ra5  15. Ng3 =

so stay tuned,
until the next update


New review (of my chess openings book) on

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...