Wednesday, April 27, 2005

well letz start

well lets start with this blog; blogging seems to be very cool,
so instead of making some elaborate project plan, its
just a matter of hitting the keyboard, en letz see..

now it would be cool to make a blog over computer chess
of course, spending so much time on it by making an
opening book for my bookbuilder account on the
internet chessclub (, but i guess
i first need to see how this thing works in order
to organize the various thoughts, blabla, etc.

in any case i want to keep the whole thing on topic,
that is, about computer chess; a wide field anyway,
that's for sure, and probably keeping me busy for
a while with this stuff. a nice distraction from
the engines, the servers, the bishops and knights,
the pgn, EPD's, and all the other stuff. Aargh
indeed, when the hash tables are overloaded
again, Arena is crashing with some access violation,
and my so carefully built-up (Comp)rating is going
down again; that's life i guess, sometimes i even
wonder why people takes these chips so seriously..

1 comment:

jef said...

just checking how the comment adding works; so apparently you have to be a blogger already; ah well, so then they a nickname, no anonymous shouting huh; good thing. For the rest it works easily; no big deal, although i wonder how these messies can be structured later on..

New review (of my chess openings book) on

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...