Friday, September 15, 2006

improvements with Rybka analysis

Recent months i've checked the opening variations in my
E-book (better chess opening play) with the top engine
Rybka, now version 2.1-o UCI.
Initially it appeared to become more difficult to obtain
a structural advantage for white as result of the
less optimistich Rybka analysis, eg. when compared
with Shredder. But while continuing the analysis
new variations were found !

This new analysis is not completed yet, i'm working
on an update of the book, and testing new variations
on ICC (latest standard rating record 2851
on August this year).

Some new findings:
- against the Caro Kann the advance variation again now is preferred
again, instead of the 'English' variations with c4.
- for the Sicilian it is difficult, if not impossible
to find the 'best' defence variation for black; it appears
that different strategies are possible; currently i'm still
experimenting, eg. with Pelikan, Taimanov, and Najdorf
- also after .. e5, when white plays Bb5, the Ruy Lopez,
many different defence variations seem to be equally good,
e.g. Berlin, Cordell, closed, etc.

Yet after renewed analysis and gradually improving the
best lines for white, certain patterns in middle game
planning appear, whereby the advantage for white
with 1.e4 still remains clear in all cases.

Against 1.d4, the Nimzovitch and Queens Indian
defences remain the 'best' defences in practice,
as result of a complete minimax of my large database.
Having recently acquired part 2 of Shereshky's
excellent book Endgame strategy, closed games,
it appeared that i've discovered something which
some Russian top chessanalysts apparently already knew,
namely that the above mentioned 'light square' (bish0p)
strategy is better for black than the black square strategy
like Kings Indian, Slav (with c6), etc. And if black would choose
the QGD it has to be played very carefully, i.e. with moves
like Bb4, in order to adhere to the black square strategy.

It certainly is encouraging that i've achieved similar
conclusions with my own computer analysis, which
means that for th 1.e4 variations we are not far away
of almost 'perfect' results. NB for such results i've
have to extend the analysis as done by Shereshevky
in his Endgame strategy part I book (open games)
to deeper lines, and the results will soon be puslished
in the latest version of the E-book 'better chess opening
play' on

NB believe it or not, the second hand version of
the excellent, highly original, and apparenlty quite
rare book part I for open games by Shereshvky
now is selling at for a price
of more than 1000 dollars.

So buying my E-book book, including the new version
-when it becomes available in a few weeks- certainly
won't be a bad deal, as it is much more up to date
compared with the rather oldfashioned variations
and games as published by S., and..
last but not least you get the computer
program Bookbuilder included..

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New review (of my chess openings book) on

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...