Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Further explanation of my book(s)

Because of some comments by readers some further
explanation of the underlying thoughts in my book
about chess openings seems worthwile:

First of all, it should be noted that there are several
parts in the book, one especially for beginners in
opening theory (yet knowledgeable about the chess
rules and basic play), one for intermediate players,
and as two extra chapters, one with gambits for White,
and the last one a positional repertoire with 1.d4.

In all chapters the concept of a repertoire has been
applied to reduce the number of variations to learn.
Thereby in the first repertoire, for the beginners,
the primary aim was simplicity, starting with 1.e4
for White, and playing 1...e5 with Black.
Note that the latter, Black repertoire also can be
useful for intermediate players.

In the next chapter, the repertoire for White with 1.e4
has been assembled in such a way that White intends
to play the strongest move, no matter what Black's
response is. These strong moves for White were found
by extensive computer analysis, fine-tuning of the opening
database, and back-solving, during many iterations, as well
as comparing it with opening theory such as described
in many GM books. As result a strong repertoire with 1.e4
has been compiled. The worth of the book can be found
already to a large extent in this repertoire for White, where
many novelties were found, and some conclusions which do
not seem to be known yet in other books. For example
the strategy against the Berlin defense by playing first
Rd1+, and then later h3. Or the move 9.g4! against the
complicated Dragon variation, a move which fundamentally
seems the best, as result of my comprehensive analysis.

The same method was used in the intermediate Black repertoire,
using the more positional French defense as additional weapon,
besides the sharp repertoire with 1...e5 which already was given.
Also here some new results were obtained, e.g. refraining
from the Winawer, because White seems to be able to get
an advantage against this variation. Yet also aiming for
some simplicity, thus having chosen the Burn variation
instead of the more complicated Mac-Cutcheon for Black.

In addition, the gambit repertoire with possibilities
after 1.e4 for sharp play, not only was computer checked,
but assembled after in-depth analysis, and thus may
contain many novelties and surprises for the opponent.
An ideal repertoire for blitz play, or against a weaker opponent.

Finally, the positional repertoire with 1.d4, was mostly
put together with the same principles, aiming for the
strongest variations. Yet more complicated play as with
the Catalan has been avoided, and a rather ' positional'
variation as the Moscow Semi-slav (Bg5 h6 Bxf6) was
chosen instead of the complicated anti-Moscow gambit.
Nevertheless, in those instances that this variation comes
on the board, when Black does not know the strongest defense
(using a later ...g6 move and a fianchetto), White has good
chances of maintaining a slight positional advantage.

Thus this repertoire is intended for the more advanced
players at intermediate players, who now and then like
to play 1.d4 instead of 1.e4,  e.g. against stronger players,
and thus broadening their overall knowledge of openings.

In a next book i might describe the strongest repertoire
in chess, which contains of the Sicilian against e4,
and using 1.d4 d5 2.c4 and a subsequent Catalan or Slav
starting with Nc3 instead of Nf3 as in the current book.
Whereby it should be noted that such theory is still
changing year by year, thus making it quite an endeavour
to aim for the very 'best'  openings, in a book which will
last for years.

The current book however, with the solid and strong
variations, is not expected to be subject to many
fundamental changes again, and thus should last for
decades or longer (in a few instances where I found
a slight improvement in the repertoire, I intend to
update this in further editions; such minor revisions
will not change the overall content of the book (containing
of a kindle version on Amazon, and a paperback version
which contains an appendix with more detailed variations
at the end, sold not only on Amazon but also Barnes&Nobles)


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New review (of my chess openings book) on Lulu.com

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...