A few years ago i wrote a book about opening theory specifically aimed
at beginner and intermediate levels; this is/was the paper version of the book:
Better-Chess-Openings (Amazon)
There also is an E-book version (and some other review) with various outlets (eg lulu.com/kobo), but the above is key. The book was based on chess programs (engines) at that time, which already analyzed positions better than human chess grandmasters. However in recent years the chess engines were again considerably improved due to the use of neural networks (the NNUE approach). As a result I had to check the content of the book, and the recommended 'repertoire' (main variations for Black and White). For this purpose in last two months I have analyzed two million of the most important opening positions added the improved results to my computer chess 'opening book' did 'backsolving' some checks and finetuning on the final results.
Luckily I found that the older 'main' opening choices ('repertoire') still basically are correct (as result of earlier deep/thorough analysis it appears I was ahead of my time) but many variations now do need an update in specific moves, and sometimes the order of importance for specific variations (recommended top choices) will be changed. This means it now is time for a second, completely NEW, improved Edition, based on the latest ('NNUE') engines and a systematic analysis of ALL relevant opening positions starting from scratch.
Thereby many variations will get an update wrt the specific moves usually from move 3 or 4 onwards, and sometimes the order of importance for specific variations (recommended top choices) will be changed. An example of a variation which has become almost obsolete as result of the engine analysis , is the French Winawer for Black. While I already not recommended it for Black, I know can list the best moves for White to refute the variation, in case Black would play such the -erroneous/outdated- ...Bb4?!. Also in the chapter with gambits, and the more advanced 'positional' chapter (with 1.d4) there will be changes in the recommended moves, usually after move 3 or 4 or so, while maintaining the main structure of the (sub)chapters.
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