Thursday, November 15, 2012

A little test

Above test games were played with time control 40 moves in 40 minutes, on Quad HP9300 with 3 cores, no pondering. Note that Houdini.2 was a modified version, whereby I had improved some values with the Houdini-config tool. And with the Houdini-2 engine, I used my ChessPartner (CP) userbook (about 16Mb), whereby with the new Houdini-3 engine, I used the 'Perfect2012' book by Sedat Canbaz version for ChessPartner(CP). Although these 'perfect' books by Canbaz already are quite good, with previous tests with more games, I concluded my book is about 50 points better. Nb the worst books, like the default CP book is worse, at least 50 rating points worse than 'perfect'.
So whats' the fuzz about new engine releases ? 50 points rating improvement isnt that much, it can also be achieved with better books, hardware and so on. But yes you can use all together as well obviously if you're really fanatic.. And better engines -like Houdini3-certainly help me to improve my opening books. So now eagerly waiting for the Komodo5-mp release; end 2013 maybe ?? :)
(will they catch up with Houdini ?)
And when i get some more time i'll see if i can compare my books with the strong Hiarcs14 book, which is in Chessbase (.ctg) format. First step is to compare the 'Perfect' with the Hiarcs14 book, if Hiarcs also is about 50 points better then i will conclude my CP book is equally good as the Hiarcs book. But maybe later i'll see if i can make a .ctg book myself.

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New review (of my chess openings book) on

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...