Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Houdini hype, new theory ?

Recently a new update of the top-engine Houdini-3 was released, and i have analyzed the endnodes of my medium-sized Bookbuilder book with this engine. Subsequently backsolved, and the new book can be downloaded as part of the trial-package for Bookbuilder at www.superchess.com
See link to download, and then -on new page- download 'demo'-version which is fully functioning program for a period of 14 days. Whereby I updated many booklines, i don't claim this is the ultimate theory now, but for intermediate players it gives a good repertoire. For the rest did quite some work on the E-book Chess opening theory, renewed, an innovative approach, for all levels!

Playing with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 against the Queens-Indian with 3.Nf3 b6 (3...d5 4.Nc3 also is good for White) 4.g3! (main line) leads to strong play for White, with my recent analysis; but Black will be able to equalize, if he/she knows precisely what to do. Which will be described in detail in our E-book about opening theory. So the Catalan with 3.g3 also remains a good choice for advanced players, and we found many novelties which are specified in the latest version of our book. Black can also deviate with 2...c6! going for the Slav or 2...g6 (Gruenfeld), but the 'best' lines found with computer analysis also are given in the E-book.

For those who register for the Bookbuilder program the latest version of the E-book will be sent. With lots of novelties, years ahead of current published theory!
Until end of 2012 with a reduction, thereafter i probably release a Bookbuilder-pro package in addition to the normal Bookbuilder, which will contain my ultrastrong handtuned Chess-Partner opening book, which contains years of work and has been checked against other theoretical works such as the Hiarcs14 book, several GM repertoire (paper)books from Quality Chess, and so on. But the price for the 'pro version will be higher, obviously Good luck with your chess,

PS obviously only with minimax you don't get a really 'playable' computer chess book with statistics, but i have used the info about the best lines to develop a book for the Chess Partner interface, and there the book choice is made by a combination of learned score, statistics, and times played. PS coming weeks I am going to check/improve the book by analyzing (EPD) nodes in the book and then importing them again via the special book correction module in Bookbuilder3.6 (adding the position after one move more, and then backsolving the whole lot again.

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New review (of my chess openings book) on Lulu.com

 Got a new review of my openings book (paper version), from Norway, and as result now the overall rating is five stars:           Paperback ...